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Pool Service-
You can do it.
We're here to help.

We're upending the pool service business by offering service and support at just $50/month. 

Our Budget program is the perfect fit for the do-it-yourselfer, the homeowner that needs to maintain their pool on a budget, or the person who just needs to fill in an off-season gap. 

We've laid out a comprehensive plan that provides you with support, chemicals, instructions and reminders for service intervals.

How it Works:
12 month commitment required



  • You'll receive an email reminder to take chemical readings and report them to our office along with a reminder to brush, skim, and empty your baskets. 10-15 minutes of your time.

  • We'll send you dosing instructions for your pool based on the data you provide. 5 minutes of your time.​

  • We maintain all of your service records.



  • A service tech will perform a full service maintenance visit.

  • Chemicals will be resupplied and you'll only be billed for what you use. No trips to the pool store needed.

  • We'll provide you with their feedback on any issues and tips for your pool. 


Service Intervals:

  • We'll send you reminders and instructions on how to clean your filters every six months.

  • We'll send you reminders on updating your seasonal pump schedules.



  • 10% discounts on repairs.

  • 20% discounts on robotic cleaners to help you maintain your pool. phone and email support.


Touch Points

Support You Will Love



  • One tech visit per month to check over your chemistry and equipment

  • Chemical drop off service

  • Weekly reminders on service you need to do



  • Service tech phone support

  • Instructions on tasks

  • Chemical balancing done for you

  • Tech support on site monthly



  • All chemicals will be dropped off and you're only billed for what you use.

  • Any additional treatments like phosphate, algae, etc will be done by our tech on their monthly visit.



  • We'll mange all chemistry records to ensure we can spot any trends

  • Filter cleaning frequency tracked

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